Quis? Who was this man?

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Quis? Who was this man?

Who indeed. Following great success in our first ‘Quis?’, here is the second personality from the past. If you know who he is, let us know through the Comment section on this website. The clues:-  YussupovHe was a noble,

He had a noble accomplice,

He committed a generally popular murder.

So, who was he?

By | 2012-10-18T15:48:27+00:00 October 18th, 2012|World History|2 Comments

About the Author:

‘Dean Swift’ is a pen name: the author has been a soldier; he has worked in sales, TV, the making of films, as a teacher of English and history and a journalist. He is married with three grown-up children. They live in Spain.


  1. Amy Jones October 20, 2012 at 7:31 pm - Reply

    Prince Felix Yusupov

  2. christian May 7, 2013 at 9:49 pm - Reply

    This is the man who assasinated Rasputin… Nice.

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