Dear Sirs,
We must apologize for having removed all previous posts. This is the third time that we have suffered an attack from robots or spammers and even Google was starting to look down on us. Therefore the admin of this page has decided to erase all content and start again from scratch in order to solve all previous problems.
We did this knowing that we have many saved copies of all previous articles, at present being compiled in order to create a real book. The General-History Book, ideal for History Students, will be available for sale on Even Winston Churchill is happy for us up there, somewhere. . .
Best wishes from Dean Swift
Hello, would you happen to know if the picture above (Churchill doing his V sign if you can’t see it) is out of copyright? It’s perfect for what I need!
Richard Hodgson I do not know if the pic of Churchill is out or in copyright, but Google Images can tell you instantly. Thanks for communicating