

Unemployed youth in Spain

Spain’s President of the Government, was recently loose (but sadly not lost) in China trying to sell a chunk of Spain’s debt to the canny Chinese. This must be the nth mistake in his disastrous seven years in power – without a majority. It is possibly his worst. He has broken all his promises to the young people of Spain, to whom he offered the world, and who are left with nothing but a useless degree or pair of hands. There are no jobs for Spain’s young people – qualified or not.
43+% of young men and women fit and able for work have no jobs. There is nothing on the horizon for them, short or long-term. Besides, the phantasy of the Dole is forcing them to leave Spain altogether, seeking work in other countries which, if and when they find it, will be guaranteed to make them have no wish to return. (more…)

By | 2011-05-12T12:00:29+00:00 May 12th, 2011|Spanish History|2 Comments
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