All American Presidents – General History

All American Presidents

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All American Presidents

The first US President; George Washington /

The first US President; George Washington /

Early United States history may be conveniently studied by reference to the 32 Presidents of the period 1789 – 1945:
(I) George Washington, Federalist 1789 – 97; (II) John Adams, Federalist 1797 – 1801; (III) Thomas Jefferson. Republican Democrat 1801 – 9; (iv) James Madison, Republican Democrat 1809 – 17; (v) James Monroe, Republican Democrat 1817 – 25; (vi) John Quincy Adams, Republican Democrat 1825 – 9; (vii) Andrew Jackson, Democrat 1829 – 37; (viii) Martin van Buren, Democrat 1837 – 41; (ix) William Harrison, Whig 1841; (x) John Tyler, Whig Democrat 1841 – 5; (xi) James Polk, Democrat 1845 – 9; (xii) Zachary Taylor, Whig 1849 – 50; (xiii) Millard Philmore, Whig 1850 – 53; (xiv) Franklin Pierce, Democrat 1853 – 7; (xv) James Buchanan, Democrat 1857 – 61; (xvi) Abraham Lincoln, Republican 1861 – 5; (xvii) Andrew Johnson, Union Republican 1865 – 9; (xviii) Ulysses Grant, Republican 1869 – 77; (xix) Rutherford Hayes, Republican 1877 – 81; (xx) James Garfield, Republican 1881; (xxi) Chester Arthur, Republican 1881 – 5; (xxii) Grover Cleveland, Democrat 1885 – 9; (xxiii) Benjamin Harrison, Republican 1889 – 93; (xxiv) Grover Cleveland (again), Democrat 1893 – 7; (xxv) William McKinley, Republican 1897 – 1901; (xxvi) Theodore Roosevelt, Republican 1901 – 9; (xxvii) William Taft, Republican 1909 – 13: (xxvii) Woodrow Wilson, Democrat 1913 – 21; (xxix) Warren Harding, Republican 1921 – 3; (xxx) Calvin Coolidge, Republican 1923 – 1929; (xxxi) Herbet Hoover, Republican 1929 – 33; (xxxii) Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democrat 1933 – 1945.

During this period there were two Federalist presidents, ten Democrats, twelve Republicans, four Whigs, and four ‘Republican Democrats’ – a bizarre cocktail which could only perhaps happen in American politics.

Dean Swift

By | 2010-10-21T22:00:02+00:00 October 21st, 2010|English History, US History, World History|5 Comments

About the Author:

‘Dean Swift’ is a pen name: the author has been a soldier; he has worked in sales, TV, the making of films, as a teacher of English and history and a journalist. He is married with three grown-up children. They live in Spain.


  1. fidelity July 15, 2012 at 8:25 pm - Reply

    Did you know we have a Multi-Racial President named Obama? I do not see his photo?

    • Dean Swift July 17, 2012 at 7:15 am - Reply

      The question, I wearily see, is supposed to be offensive. I did not provide a photograph of each President anyway – there is not enough space.

  2. mmmm December 16, 2012 at 2:38 pm - Reply

    i see they made this before 2008

  3. […] (via […]

  4. […] other sections of this history blog can be found brief lives of Franklin Roosevelt (All American Presidents) and Joseph Stalin. Joined by Churchill at a number of special meetings at the end of the Second […]

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