General History – Page 3 – World History Site by Dean Swift


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2209, 2015

Further thoughts on the SS

By | September 22nd, 2015|Categories: German History|0 Comments

/ The Schützstaffel was a more or less elite special force created by the National Socialist Party in 1925 for the ‘special protection’ of Adolf Hitler. The name means ‘defence group’, and [...]

509, 2015

Four revolutions of 1848

By | September 5th, 2015|Categories: World History|0 Comments

Gen. Moritz Karl Ernest von Prittwitz / Revolutions are a regular feature in all history, human nature being what it is. The careful student can probably find a revolution of some kind [...]

1908, 2015


By | August 19th, 2015|Categories: German History|0 Comments

/ After Federal Germany’s entry into the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in May, 1955, the Federal German Armed Forces came into being under the name Bundeswehr. At first, it consisted of [...]