Some Health Ministers of Europe: A comparison – General History

Some Health Ministers of Europe: A comparison

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Some Health Ministers of Europe: A comparison

European Health Ministers
A kind correspondent sent me the following details about Health Ministers in France, Portugal, Italy and Spain, in that order. It makes interesting reading, if a bit frightening when we come to Spain’s Health Minister, who goes by the name of Leire (or Leyre) Pajín.

FRANCE: Roselyne Bachelot-Narquin
Age: 64 years
Qualifications: Doctorate in Pharmacy
Professional experience: Head of Information at the ICI laboratory Pharma 1965 – 76; had her own chemist’s shop in Angers 1984 – 1991; Head of Public Relations at Soguipharm 1984 – 1989; Board member at the University Clinic, Anger 1986 – 2004; President of the Parliamentary Association Euro-Arabe 1998 – 2002 etc. etc.
Latest published works: Le Combat est un fète, 2006; Les Maires: fète ou défait, 2002; Les Pacs: entre haine et amour, 2000.
Political experience: Minister of Health and Sports 2008 – 10; European Deputy since 2004; Minister for Ecology and Sustainable Development 2002-2004; Deputy for Maine-et-Loire 1988 – 2002; Regional Councillor for Pays de Loire since 1986; Vice-President of the Regional Council, Pays de Loire 2001 – 2004; Regional Councillor for Maine-et-Loire 1982 – 1988

PORTUGAL: Ana María Teodoro Jorge
Age: 60 years
Qualifications: Medical doctor, specialising in pediatrics
Professional experience: Coordinator at regional level in Lisbon 1996 – 97, moved to the Board of Administration, Health matters 1997 – 2000, the year she presided over it. She practised as a doctor at the Stephanie and García de Orta Hospitals in Almada, where she was also Director of Pediatric Services in 1996.
Political experience: she became Minister of Health in January, 2008 a position she still holds.
Latest published works: she has published more than 30 articles in different mostly medical journals.

ITALY: Ferruccio Fazio
Age: 66 years
Qualifications: Medical doctor
Professional experience: Professor of Nuclear Medicine at Milan University; in 1977 he installed the first PET in Europe, at Hammersmith Hospital, London. Later he installed PET at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, followed by his installation of the first Tomotherapy unit in Europe at the same clinic.
Political experience: Fazio has been Secretary of State and Vice-Minister, and is now Minister of Health.

SPAIN: Leire (or Leyre) Pajín
Age: 34 years
Qualifications: Sociology (studies unfinished)
Professional experience: none
Political experience: Pajín has worked within the PSOE since she was 18. She was Organisation Secretary for the PSOE from 2008 to 2010. Her mother is a politician (for the PSOE) in Valencia. She earns €5,500 a month as senator, with expenses of up to €1,800. She also gets €7000 a month as indemnization for two years after her recent removal from the Organisation secretaryship.
One of her favourite statements is “I find making comparisons odious”.

By | 2010-12-16T13:27:01+00:00 December 16th, 2010|World History|0 Comments

About the Author:

‘Dean Swift’ is a pen name: the author has been a soldier; he has worked in sales, TV, the making of films, as a teacher of English and history and a journalist. He is married with three grown-up children. They live in Spain.

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