Errata in the printed version of General History
After the successful publication of three edited volumes of General History, we have discovered to our astonishment that errors abound! Prepositions and full stops have vanished. There are unwanted spaces between words. In Volume Three [...]
Fascism – a dreaded word
Fasci or Fasces / Fasci, literally meaning ‘bundles’, and perhaps descending from the fasci of thin staves of wood carried by Roman officials as symbol of authority, were established in Sicilian towns [...]
William the ‘Sailor King’
/ William IV King of Great Britain and Ireland was born in the eighteenth century (1765) and died seventy-two years later. He was also King of Hanover from 1830 to 1837, because [...]
Henry VI of England, sad man and king
/ en Henry was born in 1421, and became King of England at the age of one. He had two reigns, due to the Wars of the Roses. The first lasted from [...]
Latest news on the books
/ Oyez! Oyez! Latest news on the books! All three volumes of Jeremy Taylor's brief chapters on world history, written under the name of Dean Swift for the website and now in [...]
Who said it?
An auctioneer / Our first slightly intellectual quiz for the year 2015 presents the published words of an eccentric and wit, male, and the only clue to his identity is that he [...]
The army of British India
/ Also known as the ‘Indian Army’, this was a British – officered military force in India; the other ranks, corporals, sergeants and warrant officers were recruited from the native population. Even [...]
Hohenstaufen & Hohenzollern Dynasties (further notes)
What remains of the castle at Staufen / Brief details of these two important German dynasties have appeared before on in Here are some additional notes: The Hohenstaufen royal dynasty got [...]
Some Alexander Popes
Alexander VI / These four Italians and one Spaniard made a contribution to the history of the Catholic Church, positive or negative according to your view and that of historians. Each chose [...]
Some Clement Popes
Clement XIV suppressed the Jesuits / Six Italian and one French, the following pontificates flourished (or not depending on their history) during the fourteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: Clement V (Bertrand [...]
Some Urban Popes
Maffeo Barberini painted by Caravaggio / Three French popes and one Italian, dating from the eleventh century, the thirteenth, fourteenth and finally the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, form up for inspection in [...]
Some Innocent Popes
Innocent IV / From the twelfth century to the eighteenth century several Popes called Innocent stand out: they are:- Innocent III (Lotario dei Conti di Signi). He was Pope from 1198 to [...]
Latin American revolutionaries: Zapata & Villa
Emilio Zapata / Emiliano Zapata was a Mexican revolutionary, son of a peasant of mixed (meztizo) blood. At around twelve he became an agricultural worker, then entered politics by arousing the local peasants [...]
New France & the North American fur trade
Fur trading with Native Americans in Canada / The name 'New France', which sounds rather arbitrary, was the name given to all the North American territories France claimed to own between 1524 [...]
The Treaty of Nerchinsk
The Treaty is signed / epicworldhistory, Before the seventeenth century China had been almost a myth; a legendary giant land in the Far East, barely visited by Europeans, a subject for dreams. But [...]
The Nobel Peace Prize
Yasser Arafat, one of the winners of this award / the In the case of a suitable candidate being found, this is an international prize, awarded annually, to a person or an [...]
Robert Owen, a founding father of Socialism
/ Though Owen was born in 1771, a son of a successful maker of saddles for horses and mules, he started work in a cotton mill in Manchester at the usual age [...]
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