The Piast Dynasty
King Wenceslas was a Piast / Here is a strange and indeed rather wonderful thing; the Piasts were the first rulers of Poland, princes descended from a Polish legend called Piast (alive [...]
The Compilation of the Laws of the Kings of the Indies
First volume of the Compilation / This was published in four volumes in 1681 in Madrid; the title in Spanish is Recopilación de las leyes de los Reinos de las Indias, rather [...]
Eduard Shevardnazde
/ This politician came from Georgia, a Soviet state until democratization. He was born in 1928, did well in history studies at the Kutaisi Institute of Education and joined the Communist party [...]
The Prime Ministers of Great Britain – a list
The first Prime Minister – Robert Walpole / The first ‘Prime Minister’ to hold that title in Britain was Robert Walpole, a Whig. Before 1721 there were First Ministers, Lord Chancellors, Heads [...]
The Spanish General Union of Workers
/ The UGT (Unión General de Trabajadores) is one the two really large Spanish trade unions, the other being CC.OO (Comisiones Obreras). It was founded in 1888, at a difficult time for [...]
A Swedish royal dynasty (1523 – 1818)
Garbo as Queen Christina with two male friends / The Vasa dynasty provided monarchs for Sweden, with only two exceptions, from the beginning of the sixteenth century to just after the end [...]
A new head of the House of Alba
The Duchess starts her third marriage / nick The best known duchess in Spain, probably Europe too, has died after a long life (1926 – 2014) and a short but fatal illness. [...]
A reminder from Dean Swift
Very soon now all THREE volumes of General History will have been published and available for a sale at a very cheap price On AMAZON BOOKS These three volumes contain almost all the posts published [...]
The Irish Rebellion
An artist’s impression of an incident in the Irish Rebellion; not the leader’s attempt to block the cannon’s mouth In World History, the last years of the eighteenth century as opposed to the [...]
Andrew Johnson
/ The seventeenth President of the USA has things in common with two others who held the office – Lincoln and Lyndon Baynes Johnson: like Lincoln, Andrew J. was born in a [...]
Purges in Soviet Russia
Josef Stalin / Stalin ordered the arrest, summary trial and subsequent execution of millions of people in Communist Russia, particularly between the years 1936 – 8. His aim was simply to put [...]
Andrew Jackson
/ Son of an Ulsterman, Jackson was born in South Carolina 1767, a true-grit Southerner. Fame was first achieved by his leadership and reputation for courage in fighting the Creek Indians.Though he [...]
François P.G. Guizot
/ This statesman was born 1787, not a safe time to be born anywhere in France. His father was killed by the guillotine during the Terror (q.v.); somehow François survived to serve [...]
Immigration to the United States
Immigrants – those who arrive in a new country having left their own: Emigrants – those who leave their own country to go to another: Emigration – the act of leaving one’s country to start [...]
The influenza pandemic (and panic) of 1918
Mass treatment for influenza in the USA / The Plague, or the Black Death or Bubonic Plague struck down nearly a third of the population in most European countries during the Middle [...]
The riot in the Haymarket Square
/ Haymarket Square is in Chicago. In 1886 a diminutive anarchist movement, led by German agitators, gathered there to cause trouble. They called on the crowds to achieve reforms by violent action, [...]
The Russo-Polish War of 1929
Following the collapse of Germany at the end of the Great War, Poland foundf herself independent, a most unusual position for that sad country. It was November, 1918; Marshal Pilsudski was commander of Polish forces [...]
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