General History – Page 9 – World History Site by Dean Swift


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612, 2014

The Piast Dynasty

By | December 6th, 2014|Categories: A History of Poland|0 Comments

King Wenceslas was a Piast / Here is a strange and indeed rather wonderful thing; the Piasts were the first rulers of Poland, princes descended from a Polish legend called Piast (alive [...]

2310, 2014

Andrew Johnson

By | October 23rd, 2014|Categories: US History|3 Comments

/ The seventeenth President of the USA has things in common with two others who held the office – Lincoln and Lyndon Baynes Johnson: like Lincoln, Andrew J. was born in a [...]

2210, 2014

Purges in Soviet Russia

By | October 22nd, 2014|Categories: Russian history|0 Comments

Josef Stalin / Stalin ordered the arrest, summary trial and subsequent execution of millions of people in Communist Russia, particularly between the years 1936 – 8. His aim was simply to put [...]

2010, 2014

François P.G. Guizot

By | October 20th, 2014|Categories: French History|0 Comments

/ This statesman was born 1787, not a safe time to be born anywhere in France. His father was killed by the guillotine during the Terror (q.v.); somehow François survived to serve [...]

1710, 2014

The riot in the Haymarket Square

By | October 17th, 2014|Categories: US History|0 Comments

/ Haymarket Square is in Chicago. In 1886 a diminutive anarchist movement, led by German agitators, gathered there to cause trouble. They called on the crowds to achieve reforms by violent action, [...]